Scorched Earth Campaign in Norway author to visit Friday Drinks - 6th March 2015

fireiceWelcome to our monthly Friday Drinks, which take place in the Canning Room where drinks will be available at the bar.

This month, we are honoured to welcome award-winning BBC journalist and documentary maker Vincent Hunt. Vincent has written a book on the little-known story of the Nazis' last few months in Norway - in which Hitler's devastating scorched earth policy was implemented and plans were made for Norway to become the last bastion of the Third Reich. The book:  'Fire And Ice: The Nazis' Scorched Earth Campaign in Norway' was published in late 2014 - 70 years after the events described. Vincent has kindly agreed to join us and recount some of the tales from this painful, but hitherto somewhat neglected, period in Norway's history in what shall doubtless prove to be a fascinating talk. The talk shall commence at 7pm -  we look forward to seeing you there.

Time: From 6.30 pm
Venue: Canning Room, Den Norske Klub, 4 St James's Square
Cost: Complimentary for members/non-members
Dress code: Business suit (or jacket and tie) for gentlemen and smart dress for ladies.
RSVPPlease contact our secretary at to sign up to the guest list